Merry Christmas from everyone at Simone Weil House!
“There are those people who try to elevate their souls like someone who continually jumps from a standing position in the hope that forcing oneself to jump all day— and higher every day— they would no longer fall back down, but rise to heaven. Thus occupied, they no longer look to heaven. We cannot even take one step toward heaven. The vertical direction is forbidden to us. But if we look to heaven continually, God descends….” – Simone Weil
Please take a minute to read about about where and who we are, and to consider helping us financially (501c3) and joining us for community activities this coming year.
Who we have been this year: Simone Weil House began its mission of home-making hospitality by inviting in Doug and S from outside St Francis; almost 6 months later, through trials and changes, they remain and actively participate in our work. Since then we have lived for a period with Monica and with River, also from the St Francis outside community, and with LeAnn and Nathan, who used a couple months indoors here to make their van home more inhabitable. Simone Weil House is now home to Unk, a long time St Francis guest who couldn’t afford rent, and is offering emergency shelter to Franklin, another St Francis friend who found himself facing late stage cancer on the street.
What we hope for this year, a sampling: ● tiny houses ● renting another property in the neighborhood to form a combined community, with space for more residents and staff community beyond myself [Bert] ● facilitating “parish-as-node” cooperative economy and IMBY hospitality ● more “open house” days ● more reading and learning together ● a website ● organized external community — Fill out our interest form!
Requesting financial help: Simone Weil House is very much in need of financial help, both for making rent and utilities for 1/1, and to meet our goal of having a substantial, monthly-recurring donor base. In My Backyard (IMBY), the (now 501c3!) non-profit that sustains Simone Weil House, needs about $3K/month to meet current expenses, which basically consist of rent, utilities, food, and expenses to support guests and house maintenance. There is no salary and essentially no “overhead” expense relative to our mission at this juncture. Financial details for 2019 for In My Backyard will be available by 1/1 (by request). Please see the bottom of this letter for specific ways to donate!
Please join us for:
● Wednesday Open Dinner & Discussion: Every Wednesday @ 6:30pm – all are welcome! (Simone Weil House is 5311 NE 15th Ave Portland OR 97211)
● Check email or for upcoming monthly events such as Third Friday celebrations, brunches, and open house days
Extra Special Thanks to Joel and Deacon Mike for your bias towards action, which is why we are a Catholic Worker community and not a discussion about one; to Lisa, Jessica, Robin, and Alex for seeding this place with your presence; to you (you know who you are) who gave financially not only in the teaspoons that add up, but with a sense of personal responsibility for this fragile organism’s survival; and to those in the faith communities of St Andrews and St Francis who have deigned to look after us.
Specifics for donating:
● As a 501c3 non-profit entity we are “In My Backyard” – id# 84-2773889
● For direct deposit or wire transfer: routing# 323075181 account# 00001015718309 ● To donate through paypal: search @InMyBackyard or url: ● For check: In My Backyard – 5311 NE 15th Ave Portland OR 97211