Visit Our Living Room!

Tuesday through Friday, 9am-1pm

During Living Room Hours, we invite people from beyond our live-in community to share in the resources and life of the Simone Weil House, including our daily and weekly liturgical rhythm. We welcome folks coming for company, prayer, household resources, a meal (or coffee or tea), private reading, a chance to meet neighbors and deepen relationships, and home economy projects. We hope you’ll stop by for those, or just to learn more about this experiment in hospitality and Christian life.

breakfast starting @ 9am, noon prayer*, lunch @ 12:15pm

special Friday schedule: penitential environment supporting fasting, 9am-1pm, open dinner @ 7pm

Offered during Living Room Hours:

  • oatmeal bar with toppings

  • hot coffee and tea

  • healthy, mostly vegetarian lunch

  • warm, homemade bread or baked goods (often)

  • laundry, either done by volunteers or with washboards

  • device charging and Wi-Fi

  • hand-washing

  • theological library

  • liturgical rhythm

  • cozy seating and workspace

What You Can Do

  • Stop by! Chat with Simone Weil House Community, our volunteer hosts, and help to make Living Room Hours lively

  • Especially if you’re a regular, ask about volunteering to be a living Room Hours host

  • Spread the word to neighbors who might be interested or in need of the resources of a household

*The Simone Weil House intentional community prays the liturgy of the hours with the Benedictine Monks at Mount Angel Abbey. You can learn more about the Abbey’s liturgy here. We’re happy to guide newcomers!

View our calendar for Living Room Hours and other events.